Cambridge going Digital: Unleashing the Power of AI and Next Generation BEC

Cambridge going Digital: Unleashing the Power of AI and Next Generation BEC

Online event - Part One

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Event summary

Join us and Cambridge as we explore the upcoming transformative changes in our delivery methods and product offerings. This paradigm shift is propelled by digital advancements and will impact exam preparation, assessment delivery, and the evaluation process through artificial intelligence (AI) support.

The event is divided into two parts: informative presentations hosted by Cambridge and Swiss Exams for part one, and a practical online workshop for part two. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of our industry.

Who is this event intended for?

This event is aimed at English school teachers, school directors, department heads and any other decision-makers for Cambridge Qualifications for students at your school.

Cambridge going Digital I Swiss Exams
Swiss Exams - Cambridge Authorised Linguaskill Agent - Authorised Exam Centre

Part One

When: Wednesday 13 September at 16.00-18.00

Where: Online, MS Teams webinar

Join us for part one of our event, where we will delve into the next generation of the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC). Discover its advantages for your students, how it operates, and Swiss Exams' plans for delivering it and other computer-based Cambridge exams from 2024.

Additionally, we are excited to welcome Annabelle Pinnington, who is from the team responsible for producing and developing Linguaskill Business, just two weeks after Cambridge's webinar launch. They will provide a detailed explanation of the test's digital technology, including AI, and its incorporation of the human element. Don't miss this insightful opportunity to learn more about this innovative assessment.


1. Swiss Exams presentation on our new digital offers for assessment by Cambridge

Presenter: Peter Kaithan, Swiss Exams / Presenter biography

Swiss Exams, Cambridge Platinum Authorised Exam Centre, has been at the forefront of delivering computer-based Cambridge exams across Switzerland for the past 23 years. Our cutting-edge digital exam venues in convenient, modern locations, along with easy online exam registration and management through Swiss Exams Access, have set us apart.

Now, we are ready to extend this offering in collaboration with Cambridge. In this presentation, we will unveil the vision for Cambridge's computer-based testing in 2024 with Swiss Exams across Switzerland.

Swiss Exams has been the only Authorised Linguaskill agent, delivering Linguaskill in Switzerland since its launch. With our existing expertise and knowledge, we can offer schools Linguaskill Business as soon as its available in 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about these exciting developments in our presentation.

2. Linguaskill and AI: The Human in the Loop Approach

Presenter: Annabelle Pinnington, Cambridge Assessment English / Presenter biography

The terms ‘AI’ and ‘Machine Learning’ are becoming ever-more present in today’s world and in the field of education we are particularly well-placed to consider the advantages and possible pitfalls of these new technologies and their implications for learners and test candidates. The Linguaskill test aims to bridge that gap, using the best technology available while still ensuring that the test is valid, reliable, and fair to candidates.

This presentation will cover the current Linguaskill test construct and the changes planned in the new version. It will also cover some mechanics of automated decision-making, including both the Writing and Speaking automarkers used in the Linguaskill test, with a particular focus on the Speaking component and its user experience.

Did you miss this webinar?

If you would like to catch up on the insights shared, simply let us know that you are interested. We will provide you with access to the recording. E-mail us:

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