Results & Certificates

Results & Certificates

Find here the quickest and easiest way to access your Cambridge exam results. Take a look at how the Cambridge English Scale works and how to understand your results.

Within 10 days after the exam all candidates receive an "Online Result Letter" by e-mail with further details on how to access the results. You will find here the date of the result release, your Candidate ID and Secret number, and instructions on how to check the result.

Please note that our centre does not send out any results to candidates. All candidates must check their exam results on the Cambridge English results website themselves.

Take a look at Results Service for Candidates

How to understand your Statement of Results

All candidates receive a Statement of Results, and if they are successful in the exam, they will also receive a certificate.

Statements of Results are released online, 4-6 weeks after paper-based exams, and 5-10 working days after computer-based exams. Please note that certificates will be sent 2-3 months after the exam.

Your Statement of Results will include:

  • Your result - the final grade you obtained for your exam.
  • Your overall score - your overall Cambridge English Scale score for the whole exam.
  • Your CEFR level - the Common European Framework of Reference level that you achieved.
  • Your individual component scores - your Cambridge English Scale score for each of the skills measured by the exam; Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (and Use of English for some exams). With these individual scores, you easily see how you performed across the exam and which skills you may need to improve on.

Cambridge English Scale

Chart: Cambridge English exams CEFR qualifications tests

The Cambridge English Scale is a range of scores used for reporting the results of Cambridge English exams. It is built on the existing results reporting and years of research and is designed to complement the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The Cambridge English Scale allows for more straightforward results reporting across our exams and better meets the needs of our exam users, including candidates and teachers.

Look at this video and find out the Cambridge scoring system works

Benefits of Cambridge exam results

  • Detailed results: candidates receive a score for each skill (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) plus Use of English. They also get an overall score for the exam on the Cambridge English Scale.
  • Straightforward and consistent: results across our exams will report on the same scale. Scores on the Cambridge English Scale will replace the existing standardised scores and candidate profile.
  • Easy to compare performance: the alignment of our exams to the CEFR, to IELTS and to each other is clear. Results on the scale also give a greater insight into candidate progression from one exam to the next.

Interpretation of results (Cambridge English: B2 First, FCE)

Results Score
Pass at Grade A 180 to 190
Pass at Grade B 173 to 179
Pass at Grade C 160 to 172
Level B1 140 to 159
Fail 0 to 139

Candidates taking the Certificate in Cambridge English: FCE scoring between 122 and 139 on the Cambridge English Scale do not receive a result, CEFR level, or certificate.

Cambridge English Scale scores below 122 are not reported for the First Certificate in English.

Don’t forget to add your Cambridge English certificate to your LinkedIn profile

Adding the certificates to your LinkedIn profile is the ideal way to show employers what you can do and complement the attractiveness of your profile. Follow these simple instructions on how to add your certification to your profile:

  1. Name of certificate: add the name of your qualification and your score: B2 First - Score 170
  2. Issuing Organisation: add Swiss Exams - Authorised Provider for Cambridge English Exams.
  3. Expiry: Cambridge Certificates do not have an expiration date.
  4. Issue Date: add the month and year you took the exam.
  5. Credential ID: in order for companies to verify your result you can add your ID Number. You can find your ID Number on your Statement of Results.
  6. Credential URL: add the appropriate website of your qualification.

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