Swiss Exams Academy: Master your exams with expert guidance in 6-12 weeks

Swiss Exams Academy: Master your exams with expert guidance in 6-12 weeks

Swiss Exams Academy offers a top-tier, expert-guided, and highly effective online exam preparation platform. This Academy is designed to provide convenient and flexible learning experiences that fit seamlessly into your schedule. We specialise in helping students excel in prestigious language exams with our meticulously designed online courses that span 6 to 12 weeks.

Need Help with Swiss Exams Academy?

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call us at +41 52 5118150.

Unlock career success and life skills with a language certificate

Obtaining a language certificate is about much more than just immediate gains. It is about investing in your future. Unlock exciting job opportunities, earn higher salaries, and gain valuable life skills. The long-term benefits can supercharge your academic journey, boost your career, and enrich your personal experiences. Our prep course is here to help you achieve this certificate in a short time.

Expert-led & success-driven

Engage with exam experts and utilize authentic preparation materials. With nearly a decade of experience and an 89% student pass rate, you can access continual teacher feedback and guidance. Ready to be our next success story? Sign up today!

Get the best prep support with Swiss Exams Academy!

Swiss Exams Academy in virtual classroom

Virtual classroom

Enroll in our flexible online course with 6-12 live classes, all recorded for anytime access to all materials, anywhere.

Customised coursework

Experience our 100% tailor-made courses, designed to perfectly match your language skill level. Covering all exam components, we provide comprehensive preparation materials and mock exams to help you reach your target proficiency.

Customised coursework in Swiss Exams Academy

Study from anywhere  with Swiss Exams Academy

Study from anywhere

Study efficiently from anywhere with online access to preparation materials, mock tests and on-demand teacher feedback.

Learn from the best

Our seasoned exam experts will guide you through top strategies to confidently tackle the test.

Learn from the best at Swiss Exams Academy

Is Swiss Exams Academy for you?

Swiss Exams Academy is ideal for Swiss students at any stage: from middle school to college. Here is why it is just right for you:

  • Out of sync with your school's English level? We meet you where you are.
  • Need extra practice for your language exam? We have got the preparation you need.
  • Seeking a language certificate but lack school support? We are here to fill that gap.

Why choose Swiss Exams Academy

Get your Swiss Exams Academy 360 Sprint

Swiss Exams Academy offers you a 360-degree solution to obtain a language qualification in the shortest amount of time, creating rapid opportunities for studies, migration, and career growth.

With Swiss Exams Academy 360 Sprint, you receive a comprehensive package that includes preparation materials, online course, and the final language exams.

Grab your unique opportunity now and get it all in one!

Explore our preparation courses

Swiss Exams Academy B2 First prep online course

12 Saturdays (Sep-Jan), starting September 14th.

Swiss Exams Academy C1 prep online course

12 Saturdays (Sep-Jan), starting September 14th.